Source code for language_tags.tags

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json

from io import open

from language_tags.Subtag import Subtag
from language_tags.Tag import Tag

parent_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
index = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, "data/json/index.json"), encoding='utf-8'))
registry = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, "data/json/registry.json"), encoding='utf-8'))

[docs]class tags(): @staticmethod
[docs] def tag(tag): """ Get a :class:`language_tags.Tag.Tag` of a string (hyphen-separated) tag. :param str tag: (hyphen-separated) tag. :return: :class:`language_tags.Tag.Tag`. """ return Tag(tag)
[docs] def check(tag): """ Check if a string (hyphen-separated) tag is valid. :param str tag: (hyphen-separated) tag. :return: bool -- True if valid. """ return Tag(tag).valid
[docs] def types(subtag): """ Get the types of a subtag string (excludes redundant and grandfathered). :param str subtag: subtag. :return: list of types. The return list can be empty. """ if subtag in index: types = index[subtag] return [type for type in types.keys() if type != 'redundant' or type != 'grandfathered'] else: return []
[docs] def subtags(subtags): """ Get a list of existing :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects given the input subtag(s). :param subtags: string subtag or list of string subtags. :return: a list of existing :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects. The return list can be empty. """ result = [] if not isinstance(subtags, list): subtags = [subtags] for subtag in subtags: for type in tags.types(subtag): result.append(Subtag(subtag, type)) return result
[docs] def filter(subtags): """ Get a list of non-existing string subtag(s) given the input string subtag(s). :param subtags: string subtag or a list of string subtags. :return: list of non-existing string subtags. The return list can be empty. """ if not isinstance(subtags, list): subtags = [subtags] return [subtag for subtag in subtags if len(tags.types(subtag)) == 0]
[docs] def search(description, all=False): """ Gets a list of :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects where the description matches. :param description: a string or compiled regular expression. For example: ``search(re.compile('\d{4}'))`` if the description of the returned subtag must contain four contiguous numerical digits. :type description: str or RegExp :param all: If set on True grandfathered and redundant tags will be included in the return list. :type all: bool, optional :return: list of :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects each including the description. The return list can be empty. """ results = [] def append(record): if 'Subtag' in record: results.append(Subtag(record['Subtag'], record['Type'])) elif all: results.append(Tag(record['Tag'])) if isinstance(description, str): description = description.lower() def test(record): if description in ', '.join(record['Description']).lower(): append(record) elif hasattr(, '__call__'): def test(record): if', '.join(record['Description'])) is not None: append(record) for registry_item in registry: test(registry_item) return results
[docs] def description(tag): """ Gets a list of descriptions given the tag. :param str tag: (hyphen-separated) tag. :return: list of string descriptions. The return list can be empty. """ tag_object = Tag(tag) results = tag_object.descriptions subtags = tag_object.subtags for subtag in subtags: results += subtag.description return results
[docs] def languages(macrolanguage): """ Get a list of :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects given the string macrolanguage. :param string macrolanguage: subtag macrolanguage. :return: a list of the macrolanguage :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` objects. :raise Exception: if the macrolanguage does not exists. """ results = [] macrolanguage = macrolanguage.lower() macrolanguage_data = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, "data/json/macrolanguage.json"))) if macrolanguage not in macrolanguage_data: raise Exception('\'' + macrolanguage + '\' is not a macrolanguage.') for registry_item in registry: record = registry_item if 'Macrolanguage' in record: if record['Macrolanguage'] == macrolanguage: results.append(Subtag(record['Subtag'], record['Type'])) return results
[docs] def type(subtag, type): """ Get a :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` by subtag and type. Can be None if not exists. :param str subtag: subtag. :param str type: type of the subtag. :return: :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` if exists, otherwise None. """ subtag = subtag.lower() if subtag in index: types = index[subtag] if type in types: return Subtag(subtag, type) return None
[docs] def language(subtag): """ Get a language :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` of the subtag string. :param str subtag: subtag. :return: language :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` if exists, otherwise None. """ return tags.type(subtag, 'language')
[docs] def region(subtag): """ Get a region :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` of the subtag string. :param str subtag: subtag. :return: region :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` if exists, otherwise None. """ return tags.type(subtag, 'region')
[docs] def date(): """ Get the file date of the underlying data as a string. :return: date as string (for example: '2014-03-27'). """ meta = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, "data/json/meta.json"))) return meta['File-Date']