Source code for language_tags.Subtag

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
import six

from io import open

parent_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
data_dir = '../node_modules/language-subtag-registry/data/json/'
index = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, data_dir + "index.json"), encoding='utf-8'))
registry = json.load(open(os.path.join(parent_dir, data_dir + "registry.json"), encoding='utf-8'))

[docs]class Subtag: def __init__(self, subtag, type): """ A subtag is a part of the hyphen-separated :class:`language_tags.Tag.Tag`. :param str subtag: subtage. :param str type: can be 'language', 'extlang', 'script', 'region' or 'variant'. :return: :raise Error: Checks for ``Subtag.ERR_NONEXISTENT`` and ``Subtag.ERR_TAG``. """ # Lowercase for consistency (case is only a formatting convention, not a standard requirement). subtag = str(subtag).lower() type = str(type).lower() # Include errror codes self.ERR_NONEXISTENT = 1 self.ERR_TAG = 2 class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message): self.code = code self.message = message def __str__(self): return repr("%s: %s" % (self.code, self.message)) if subtag not in index: raise Error(self.ERR_NONEXISTENT, 'Non-existent subtag %s.' % subtag) types = index[subtag] if type not in types: raise Error(self.ERR_NONEXISTENT, 'Non-existent subtag %s of type %s.' % (subtag, type)) i = types[type] record = registry[i] if 'Subtag' not in record: raise Error(self.ERR_TAG, '%s is a %s tag' % (subtag, type)) = { "subtag": subtag, "record": record, "type": type } def __str__(self): return self.format if six.PY2: def __repr__(self): data = json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False) return data.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(data, str) else data else: def __repr__(self): return json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=False) @property
[docs] def type(self): """ Get the subtag type. :return: string -- either 'language', 'extlang', 'script', 'region' or 'variant'. """ return['type']
[docs] def description(self): """ Get the subtag description. :return: list of description strings. """ return['record']['Description']
[docs] def preferred(self): """ Get the preferred subtag. :return: preferred :class:`language_tags.Subtag.Subtag` if exists, otherwise None. """ if 'Preferred-Value' in['record']: preferred =['record']['Preferred-Value'] type =['type'] if type == 'extlang': type = 'language' return Subtag(preferred, type) return None
[docs] def format(self): """ Get the subtag code conventional format according to RFC 5646 section 2.1.1. :return: string -- subtag code conventional format. """ subtag =['subtag'] if['type'] == 'region': return subtag.upper() if['type'] == 'script': return subtag.capitalize() return subtag
[docs] def script(self): """ Get the language's default script of the subtag (RFC 5646 section 3.1.9) :return: string -- the language's default script. """ if 'Suppress-Script' in['record']: return Subtag(['record']['Suppress-Script'], 'script') return None
[docs] def scope(self): """ Get the subtag scope. :return: string subtag scope if exists, otherwise None. """ return['record']['Scope'] if 'Scope' in['record'] else None
[docs] def deprecated(self): """ Get the deprecation date. :return: deprecation date as string if subtag is deprecated, otherwise None. """ return['record']['Deprecated'] if 'Deprecated' in['record'] else None
[docs] def added(self): """ Get the date when the subtag was added to the registry. :return: date (as string) when the subtag was added to the registry. """ return['record']['Added']
[docs] def comments(self): """ Get the comments of the subtag. :return: list of comments. The return list can be empty. """ return['record']['Comments'] if 'Comments' in['record'] else []